From your design interest/wish, reflect on what drives it: data, material, fabrication technique, function, critique, curiosity, inspiration..?
– Material (inflatable, verhärten (changing state))
– Critique (voice control, give up control),
– Comfort-Zone? Protection-Zone?
– Absurdity (carry too far)
– visible/invisible
– Sound, Airflow, Low-Frequencies
what is the data you will use and how do you collect it? (api, sensor, live, dataset, personal, collective etc…) how will you map it?
- emotional state → pilot of experience
- live inputs from
- Body Temperature / Energy Flows
- Pointclouds
- WIFI-Networks
- Radiation
- Electromagnetic radiation
how would you like to fabricate it? (technology used, materials used…) which interface for which material?
what is the larger socio-eco-political context of the material you are using? what story are you telling?